About Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft

The Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft BNW e.V. brings the voice of progressive businesses directly to the political arena in Berlin. Since its founding in 1992, BNW e.V. has been an independent business association advocating for environmental protection, climate action, and social sustainability. With over 700 member companies, the association represents more than 200,000 jobs. The cross-sector network includes large corporations and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as cleantech startups and social entrepreneurs.
Read more: www.bnw-bundesverband.de
Dr. Katharina Reuter
Managing Director Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft e.V.

Fotocredit: BNW e.V., Caro Hoene
Dr. Katharina Reuter, as the Managing Director of the Bundesverband Nachhaltige Wirtschaft BNW e.V., gives a voice to the sustainable economy and works intensively with companies and startups in their transformation. Previously, she served as the Managing Director of leading sustainability organizations and is a co-founder of various associations and initiatives, including the European Sustainable Business Federation. In 2023, Katharina Reuter was awarded the Bundesverdienstkreuz am Bande (Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon) for her decades-long work in the field of sustainable economy and her commitment to the common good. Her expertise is valued in various advisory boards and political committees.