Welcome to our Fireside Chat on the Topic “Status Quo of the ePA for Everyone”

About Annette Rennert


Annette Rennert is a specialist in general medicine at the Kaiserviertel practice in Dortmund. Together with five medical colleagues, she offers both general medical and diabetic specialist care, including home visits, home care and hospice services. Digitalization already plays a central role in her everyday work – for example through digital appointment booking, ePrescriptions and an AI-supported telephone assistant. With regard to the electronic patient record, the practice in the Kaiserviertel is taking part in the pilot phase of the “ePA for everyone” in the NRW model region.

About Dr. med. Thorsten Hagemann


Dr. med. Thorsten Hagemann is the head of the eHealth department at the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Nordrhein (KVNO) since November 2023. In this role, he is responsible for the competence team, where digital topics for patient care, telematics infrastructure and digital practice infrastructure, including the ePA and ePrescription, are managed. KV Nordrhein unites around 24,000 doctors and psychotherapists. He is a co-initiator of the ePA model region NRW and has been leading the project to support the introduction of the ePA with his team since 15.01.2025. The KVNO not only acts as an interest group, but also as a reliable, committed and future-oriented partner in the healthcare sector.

Before joining the KVNO, Thorsten Hagemann, a licensed medical specialist, worked as Head of Business Development for Health at the IT service provider adesso.

About Stephan Neubauer


Stephan Neubauer is head of the Telematics Infrastructure department at medatixx and has been working for the leading practice software provider for over 14 years. The company offers innovative software solutions for more than 30,000 doctors, MVZs and outpatient clinics in Germany.

Since 2023, he is also leading the project group “ePA for everyone” in the industry association bvitg and is actively shaping the introduction of the electronic patient record in close coordination with the gematik.

medatixx was involved in the introduction of the “ePA for everyone” at an early stage: Since mid-2024, the company is providing its users with comprehensive support in the form of digital user meetings, information portals and e-learning courses to ensure a smooth introduction and drive digitalization in the healthcare sector in the long term.