We launch our health data ecosystem with 3 founding partners

Together with Honic, medatixx and smartpatient, Flying Health is starting to build a collaborative ecosystem for using health data to improve healthcare.

Our goal is to strengthen data-driven healthcare analytics and medical research by bringing together the right partners for the use of health data in a targeted manner and with professional advice.

Flying Health advises stakeholders in the healthcare sector on identifying a relevant use case and specifying the need for healthcare data. In the next step, we integrate suitable cooperation partners from the health data ecosystem for the execution of the health data project.

By working closely with our cooperation partners, we are familiar with the possibilities offered by their respective service portfolios and can facilitate an efficient and tailored collaboration.

We are delighted to represent the diversity of the health data landscape with our founding partners in the healthcare data ecosystem:

  • Honic has developed a GDPR-compliant research platform for analyzing health data. Honic thus enables targeted aggregation and cross-silo combination of quality-tested real-world data (RWD) for specific use cases. For example, the Honic platform can be used to analyze laboratory data and prescription data which allows to run research projects on e.g. monitoring infectious or inflammatory diseases.
  • The x.Panel from medatixx enables a daily updated and longitudinal, comprehensive analysis of outpatient care data from >2,000 doctors throughout Germany. The data can be used, for example, to draw conclusions about the current care situation or to gain in-depth insights into indication-specific treatment routines and patient journeys.
  • smartpatient Insights provides a deep understanding of patient behavior based on smartpatient’s GDPR-compliant panel of more than 10 million patients. With longitudinal data on medication, patient-reported outcomes (‘ePROs’) and more, partners can analyze and understand patient groups and their behavior. Partners can either work with standardized patient panels or perform analyses based on custom-built data panels. In addition, partners can augment panel data rapidly and efficiently by deploying short custom questionnaires to specific patient groups.

We are very pleased about the launch of our health data ecosystem, which we intend to gradually expand with further partners.

In the coming weeks, we will be offering various formats to provide more in-depth information on possible use cases for the various data sources and exciting research questions.

We will be happy to answer your questions and provide further information at any time.