We are pleased to announce our support for tranSektoris in organizing the Impact Program 2024, focusing on sustainability. Similar to Flying Health, tranSektoris brings together various players in the healthcare sector, aiding in the development of strategies and business models to drive innovation in healthcare.
- Sustainability is a widely discussed topic, gaining increasing attention in the healthcare sector. The demand for sustainable healthcare has been long-standing and is becoming more urgent in the face of challenges such as demographic changes, financial constraints, and the climate crisis. The ecological perspective highlights significant interdependencies between climate and health, with climate change posing a considerable threat to global health.
- Through tranSektoris, we unite our efforts for the program theme “Healthcare & Sustainability” to educate and present suitable solutions. Various thematic areas will be emphasized to do justice to the holistic nature of the topic and move from ideation to action. Our partners, including Sana Kliniken AG and the Chiesi Group, will participate amongst others as hosts and pioneers.
The tranSektoris Impact Program kicks off in March 2024, and registration is open until February 15, 2024, via anmeldung@transektoris.de. Further information can be found here: Impact Programm 2024
We look forward to advancing the sustainability agenda in healthcare with tranSektoris and creating a true impact with all participants. For any questions or additional information, feel free to contact the Flying Health Team at any time.