DiGa-Spotlight – October 2023

On September 25, the first digital health application (DiGA) – the tinnitus application Kalmeda – celebrated its third birthday! Since then, a lot has happened in terms of digital applications: a total of 55 DiGAs have been added, 48 are currently listed in the directory, 17 DiGAs have been converted from provisional to permanent inclusion, 15 prices have been negotiated, and a large number of partnerships have been entered into.

Together with our long-standing Flying Health partner medatixx, we have looked back on three years of DiGA and summarized some insights on the care situation with the digital applications. The analyses are based on the medatixx x.panel, in which the prescription and treatment data of currently 1,284 outpatient doctors and >1 million patients are available for care situation research.

You can find these and other charts in our DiGA Spotlight for October 2023, which you can download free of charge via the link below.

We always appreciate your feedback. Please do not hesitate to contact the Flying Health team for any questions or further information.


Laura Wamprecht

Managing Director



Ann-Kathrin Weigand

Senior Consultant
